New Hampshire Police Standards &
Training Council

Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission

The New Hampshire Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (the Commission or LEAC) was created in 2022 by an executive order of the Governor. The commission provides accreditation standards, conducts assessments and issues certificates of accreditation for law enforcement agencies. The commission promotes self-regulation of law enforcement agencies and participation in the State accreditation process. It provides training for agencies and the public relating to agency accreditation. It conducts research and cooperates with national, regional, and local public and private associations agencies and experts to continuously improve the accreditation program in the delivery of law enforcement services in New Hampshire.

The commission is administratively attached to the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council. The commission members serve at the pleasure of the Governor and include: the Attorney General or designee, the Director of PSTC or designee, one state senator recommended by the State President, one state representative recommended by the Speaker of the House, three members of the New Hampshire Associations of Chiefs of Police, nominated by the President of the Association and including at least one representative from a department of ten sworn officers or less, one member of the New Hampshire Sheriff's Association, nominated by the President of the Association, one representative from a New Hampshire college or university appointed by the Governor, and one public member appointed by the Governor.

The Governor appoints the chair, vice chair and secretary from the commission membership. The Commission meets at the call of the Chair and as often as necessary to complete its work. A majority of the Commission constitutes a quorum and all official acts of the Commission require a majority vote of those members present and voting.

Information about the Commission and Subcommittees

Program Standards Manual

Program Glossary of Terms 2024


Subcommittees of the Commission

  • Standards Subcommittee
  • Budget Subcommittee

Assessor Position Opening

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New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
17 Institute Drive  |  Concord, NH 03301